Matt McCourt is a junior from Beaverton, Oregon (a suburb of Portland). He is majoring in History and Sociology, with a minor in Asian Studies. He is also a RA in Duvall, as well as a member of the Whitworth Men’s Chorus.
Q: Why did you choose Whitworth?
A: When I was a senior in high school, I received a Presidential application online, and it was very simple to fill out. Then, I visited the campus, and a junior talked with me in the loop for like an hour. I really liked the environment here.
Q: What would be your optimal career path after college?
A: For a long time, I have planned on going to Lewis and Clark (in Portland) for a Masters in Teaching, and then returning to my hometown to teach history. I think that’s a cool way to give back to my community. Now that I’m further in my major though, I am more seriously considering going to graduate school to get my Double-Masters in both Teaching and History, probably with an emphasis in either Middle Eastern or Asiatic Studies.
Q: What has been your favorite history class here at Whitworth?
A: It’s really hard to choose; the whole [history] department is the best on campus. All of the professors are unique and awesome in their own way. If I had to choose, I would probably say Crusades with Corliss Slack. It was my first history class at Whitworth, and it really convinced me to major in history.
Q: Why did you also choose Sociology?
A: I got into it my freshman year. I met Raja Tanas, and I really liked him. I have found that it’s a way to really study cultures, especially the culture I’m in.
Q: What has your experience as an RA been like?
A: It’s been absolutely wonderful. Sometimes, procrastinating has buried me, but I still love it. It has given me a unique perspective of how Whitworth community is built.