By: Daniel

Welcome back fellow Whitworthians! How was that three-day weekend? Hopefully restful, though I think many of us might agree that an extra day off did nothing to bolster our spirits.
But hey, masks are coming off soon, so we can fall into our midterms face first.
Ah, politics. Anyways, let’s just get into it.
Overheard in The Pines: “It’s been a very big overthinking day.”
Usually, I would find this ironic. The broken grammar, unnecessary use of two adjectives, the audacity of the 5-foot blonde 18-year-old saying this to her friend while wearing Birkenstocks and shorts in 30-degree weather.
So much to unpack.
It’s been a very big overthinking day for me, so I’ll just leave that unpacking to the psychology majors. Philosophy majors also welcome.
DISCLAIMER All persons and events in this column—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional. Any overheard names have been changed for the sake of humor. Any resemblance to other stories, people, plants, animals, places or events is purely coincidental.