by Molly Beth Hough
ASWU President
Hipster Homecoming was a huge hit! Thank you to all who participated. Now you might be asking; does this make hipster officially too mainstream? The answer is: no way! Keep on wearing your wool socks and drinking out of your vintage coffee mugs.
This past week ASWU passed a requisition for the campus retreat known as Concord. This is going to be an incredible retreat and we were happy to support all of the work that has been put into making this event. Make sure to sign up this week! There was also a requisition passed for Outdoor Rec., which will allow the program to buy mountain bikes. So, look out for opportunities to go on trips with these new bikes!
Mindy Smith and Terry McGonigal came to speak about the PCUSA (Presbyterian Church) and the task force that has been put together surrounding these issues. ASWU was educated about how the PCUSA is structured and that we are a part of the Alaska Northwest Synod. In December 2013 this synod will dissolve. Because of this a task force was put together to discuss how or whether the university will continue its relationship with the PCUSA. They asked ASWU how to best educate the student body on this issue. We spent time brainstorming how to reach students in order to show them how this issue will affect them. Look for upcoming events regarding this issue and please email me if you have any questions.
Vice president of Student Life Dick Mandeville came to speak about changes being made in the student handbook. There will be more information to come on this topic.
Oct. 15 a discussion about pornography will be hosted by Unite. It will be an open, honest, and safe place to speak about this topic and how it directly links to the sex trafficking industry. Look for the elephants around campus to receive more information or directly email the Unite team at [email protected].
Make sure to say hello to the Board of Trustees who are on campus this week! We are so grateful for them and all they do for this institution. Also, be looking out for GSA events this week because they are worth attending!
Don’t forget to attend our meetings on Wednesday night at 5 p.m. Email Tim Gjefle if you would like to be put on the list for a free dinner.
Please let me know if I can answer any questions and I will see you around campus!
Live Bold. Be Fierce.
Contact Molly Hough at [email protected]