Molly Beth Hough
ASWU President
Hello my fellow Whitworthians! Fall break is almost here! As Wilson Phillips would say “HOLD ON FOR ONE MORE DAY!”
ASWU is eager for this long weekend. I hope you are all able to get some much needed rest and relaxation.
This week we had two speakers come to our ASWU meeting. Doug Sugano came to give an update and to answer any questions regarding the honors program. He said there are 108 students currently in enrolled in the honors program. Congratulations to those of you! This year there are eight honors courses offered and they hope to increase that number each year. A committee of students was formed to continue to generate ideas for this program and to ensure adequate student input.
Keith Kelley, Director of Service Learning, gave an update on the Service Learning department as well as new programs. Serve coordinator Kiley Schatz will help us have clear communication with this department in order enhance involvement within ASWU.
The Service Learning department has been working hard on a new model of programs that will serve Spokane holistically.
Programs include areas of health, education and hunger. They are refocusing efforts to the West Central neighborhood.
The RISE program, which is a mentorship program for high school students, recently partnered with the BELIEF program in order to achieve a goal for students to realize that a college education can be their reality.
We are excited for the elections program on Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. It will be an educational event for us to learn the views of the Democratic and Republican parties within this election.
ASWU has many great events coming up so make sure to check your emails and don’t miss out on them!
Remember to come to our meetings every Wednesday at 5 p.m. Email Tim Gjefle if you would like to be put on the dinner list.
You will get a free dinner for coming to the meeting! By coming, you can see for yourself what is happening in the chambers.
I hope you all know how appreciated you are and how excited we are to be serving you this year. Okay, it is time for all of us to kick our feet up, watch movies, and have some adventure. Fall break here we come!
Live Bold. Be Fierce.
Contact Molly Hough at