Whitworth will work to support the American Cancer Society at Relay for Life this year. Unlike in past years, it will not be a regular relay event, which runs through the night, but rather a feeder event, which is a smaller relay that will not include individual teams.
This year’s goal is to raise $5,000 or more, said junior Tirra Seely, Relay for Life treasurer at Whitworth. The money that is raised will go to ACS and will be directly invested in the Spokane community. It will fund cancer research, transportation and care packages for cancer victims.
Whitworth is part of Colleges Against Cancer, a section of the ACS. CAC is working with multiple chapters to show that young adults can and want to make a difference in the fight against cancer, according to the ACS website.
Last year’s relay at Whitworth had low attendance, so the ACS dropped Whitworth’s Relay for Life event for this year. When the relay committee contacted the ACS, they were told that Whitworth’s event was dropped by mistake, sophomore Alanna Panter said. As a result, this year’s relay will be a feeder event. The committee is planning on using the feeder event to raise attendance, which allows next year to be a full event.
“It is different but we are raising awareness and attendance,” Panter said.
Relay for Life is a time for community members, staff, faculty and students to come together and support cancer awareness.
“It is a time to come together and remember those who have had cancer,” Seely said.
Domino’s Pizza will provide dinner for the event, which will be free upon entrance. There will be a Luminaria service from 6-7 p.m., where participants can decorate a bag for cancer victims or survivors. Bags are free and will be lighted while a speaker, to be announced, will talk about past survivors and the current fight against cancer.
There will be a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, and the winners will receive a $40 gift certificate to Red Robin. Also, the Bram Brata Steel Drum band will perform. A dance will be held from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
“It should be super fun and have something for everyone to do,” Seely said.
Another aspect of this year’s relay is the return of senior Sarah Cameron, who will provide the music for the event.
“It will be a mix of worship with some covers as well as originals,” Cameron said. “I have a fun set list planned.”
Aside from the basketball tournament, which will cost $3 per person to enter, everything inside the relay will be free of charge. Fundraising will primarily be centered on tickets, but students can also donate. Sodexo meal entries will be accepted, along with checks made out to Colleges Against Cancer.
Relay for Life will be held Friday April 26, starting at 5 p.m. in the Fieldhouse. Tickets are $5 for pre-sale and $7 at the door.
Contact Catherine Porter at cporter16@my.whitworth.edu.