To many, it would seem a small improvement. But to visitors and guests, the changes made to the McMillan and Ballard Hall courtyard are professional and slick. In addition, the new irrigation system near the bike ride at Ballard has been economized in its watering patterns. These are much needed improvements that are probably well overdue.
The new bike racks and sleek new pavement all doubling as a firelane is an innovative yet simple update. Whitworth as a university is always looking to impress visitors, and the area surrounding Weyerhaeuser, McMillan and Ballard Hall is an important stop on any tour.
Janet Wright, a supervisor on the Grounds Services staff at Whitworth, described some of the changes made in the area in an email conversation.
“This area was and is a fire lane.There is now a grass strip in between the two walks that has fire lane fabric and grass that was added for drainage,” Wright said in an email. “It was also designed to match the walk on the west side of Weyerhaeuser.”
To current students, this may just seem like an inevitable improvement amongst many on campus. Wright mentioned the intentional matching with the walk near Weyerhaeuser and the new irrigation system.
“When you get down to the new bike rack at Ballard, that area did receive new irrigation because of the new sidewalk and bike rack footprint,” Wright said.
These changes have rejuvenated the feel in that area of campus. Attractive due to the nostalgia of the dorms and modern beauty of the stoic Weyerhaeuser, the new additions are the cherry on top. What is already a staple in campus tours is now a capstone, and will really catch the eyes of visiting pre-frosh.
The best part for students is that change in the sprinkler system. Spring at Whitworth means many things, one of which is sprinkler dodging season. The sprinklers in the area will no longer threaten innocent passersby, which is much more peaceful for the late-night walker.
Although there are bigger items in the news at Whitworth, it’s changes like these that push the school higher and higher up the ranks. The campus continues to get better and better, improving with update after update. That being said, one thing is for sure, the area near McMillan, Ballard and Weyerhaeuser just got a vital update.
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