International Women’s Day is on March 8, as well as the upcoming, “A Day Without A Woman” strike. Multiple Whitworth students will be participating in the movement.
The strike is intended to recognize the value that women of all backgrounds to our socio-economic system have, according to the Women’s March website. The march also seeks to call to light, the fact that women receive lower wages, experiencing greater inequities, are vulnerable to discrimination, sexual harassment and job insecurity.
“Anyone, anytime, can take place in three actions on March 8. Action items include women taking the day off work, exclusively shop at ‘small, women-and-minority-owned businesses’ and to wear red ‘in solidarity,'” according to the website.
“I think this is the next step in resisting the Trump administration,” junior Claire Symons said.
Symons attended the Women’s March in Washington D.C. and has been motivated ever since to participate in movements for women’s rights.
The women’s marches show that people are not going to sit by and watch and let Donald Trump implement his agenda by oppressing women, Symons said.
“The world is a better place because women are working and actively participating in our democracy,” Symons said. “I hope this protest sends a message that the world needs women and it draws attention to women and gender issues because they’re so vital.”
Symons considers herself a feminist and loves seeing marches take place in an attempt to make a change and statement, she said.
“I want to assert myself and my rights and do it in a way that forces the administration to pay attention to us,” Symons said.
The Women’s March website says the strike is for anyone, anytime. Meaning that anyone of any gender, age or race can participate in this strike at any point on March 8.
“I want this strike to show that women play a huge role in our society,” senior Peter Schoening said.
Schoening also participated in the Women’s March in Washington D.C. and participates in women’s rights movements.
“I want the world to see what it would be like to have a day without women,” Schoening said. “With these women’s roles absent, the world is a very different place.”
The A Day Without A Woman’s strike is a part of the “10 Actions in the first 100 Days.” This means that the Women’s March organization will take action every ten days on an issue that they see as important.
“I think it’s great seeing people from all walks of life come together to support women in society,” sophomore Venissa Garcia said.
As a Latina woman, Garcia is extremely passionate about fighting for equality for women of all races, she said.
“I think it’s time as a nation to recognize that women hold an enormous value to our society, “ Garcia said. “It’s super encouraging to see men and women of all races to be supporting women and minorities in these marches.”
On March 8, women and allies will act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity, according to the Women’s March website.
Contact Kristen Grattan at kgrattan17@my.whitworth.edu