Taylor Jones | Staff Writer

The Whitworth women’s soccer team had a weekend of travel, losing to Pacific Lutheran Saturday, Sept. 18 and tying with Puget Sound Sunday, Sept. 19.
Whitworth put up a fight against Pacific on Saturday as freshman goalie Kate Nelson made eight saves for the team, but the match resulted in a 2-0 loss for the Pirates.
“I am excited to see our group continue to serve and grow into all that we are capable of,” head coach Bryan Olson said.
Nelson also made seven saves on Sunday to keep Whitworth tied with Puget Sound, ending with a 0-0 draw.
“I think we are satisfied overall with how we played and glad for the opportunity to learn and grow as a team.” Nelson said. “We will take these games and learn from them to be ready for our future games so we can just get better and better.”
The team faces unique challenges as they travel to away games. Nelson said that before games she finds somewhere quiet to visualize different situations that could occur during the game and how she would handle them.
“Hard work certainly travels no matter where we play, and it was great to see that work bubble forth from our group in these matches,” Olson said.
The Whitworth women’s soccer team returns to the field on Wednesday against Whitman College at 4:00 pm and Willamette Saturday at 12pm at the Whitworth soccer field.