by Eric Fullerton
A lot has happened since the last issue of The Whitworthian, and I apologize for not being able to cover everything that has happened since then, but I will try to highlight some of the most important things that have happened in ASWU.
The first item of note is that Beck Taylor came to speak to ASWU on Oct. 26. He spoke on many issues that the members and students have had on their minds. Taylor will be coming to ASWU later in the year as well to answer any questions on our minds.
Having Taylor come to speak with ASWU was an amazing opportunity. He spoke on how the 10-year plan is going and how Whitworth has recently received approval to move forward with the student recreation center.
Not only has Whitworth received approval, but the Office of the President is now forming a programming committee, comprised of both students and other representatives, to finalize a vision statement and then draft the floor plans for the building. The new recreational center’s doors will open, hopefully, by fall 2013!
After receiving this exciting information, ASWU chartered a new club called the Sign Language Club. This club was formed to promote awareness of all aspects of sign language and the deaf community. ASWU is fully in support of this club and chartered it with a unanimous vote.
ASWU will also be publishing the official results of the Campus Climate Survey. Keep an eye out for this information. ASWU is also committed to following what is important to you, so we will be discussing how best to align the programs, speakers and entertainers that come to campus with the results.
Keith Kelly came to speak to ASWU the following week about the Office of Service Learning and Community Engagement. He spoke about what resources are available to the senators and representatives to plan their community service projects.
Kelly also spoke on how the service office is willing to work with all students who are interested in doing service with anyone. Their offices are located on the first floor of Weyerhaeuser Hall.
If you want more information on what happens in the meetings, want to attend a meeting, or have a suggestion for a program, speaker or entertainer, please feel free to email me.
Also check out the official ASWU minutes by scanning the QR code below or by visiting under the General Information-ASWU Weekly Meetings section.
May many a pinecone fall into your life —
Eric Fullerton