Arend Hall took first place in the “Decades: Homecoming from the Past” dorm competition that was held last week, Oct. 6–11. Dorms went head to head in competitions throughout the week to earn bragging rights for the next year.
The first dorm competition on Monday was banner hanging; each dorm created a banner that was displayed in the HUB throughout the week. The banners were judged on how well they represented their dorm, how well they represented the dorm’s chosen decade and whether the judges guessed the right decade on the banner. The points awarded for the banner portion of the competition counted for one-third of the total points earned throughout the week. Members of ASWU judged the banners.
The second competition was a badminton tournament on Tuesday, taking place in the UREC. The competing teams were two representatives divided by dorm. First place in the tournament was awarded 10 points, second place was eight points and third place was six points.

A swimsuit competition took place on Wednesday in the HUB. Each dorm had two representatives who dressed according to a certain decade. The couple showed off their outfits on the catwalk. The judges were Dayna Jones and other ASWU members. Points were awarded based off quality of costume and how well it represented the decade of the dorm’s choice. Creativity of the costume was also judged. They were also awarded on overall performance of the person walking the catwalk.
The winning dorm was announced Saturday at the football game during halftime.
The week wrapped up with the Homecoming dance in the HUB Saturday night. The theme of the dance was “Decades” and students were encouraged to come dressed as if they lived in their favorite decade.

Raleigh Addington, senior and ASWU Special Events Coordinator, has been working and coordinating Homecoming activities for three weeks with about a month of brainstorming and planning. Addington was the head of the planning committee for Homecoming; however, the entire week was an ASWU—sponsored event and could not have been possible without their support.
This year’s Homecoming festivities experienced many changes, Addington said. The largest difference, Addington said, is the choice to not elect dorm royalty. In previous years, each dorm would elect royalty and the two royals would represent their dorm in the competitions throughout the week.
“The change was due to student feedback,” Addington said. “Students said dorm versus dorm competition is more fun, and this way any student who wants to participate can.”
Contact McKinley Powers at [email protected]