President Taylor announced his plans to resign from his position at Whitworth University on May 31, via an email to the campus community this morning, as he has accepted the presidency at Samford University.
Samford University, located in Birmingham, is considered a leading Christian university. With over 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students, Samford was founded in 1841 and is ranked #143 in national universities.
In the email, Taylor stated that prior to coming to serve Whitworth as the president in 2011, he was the Dean of the Brock School of Business at Samford. He also mentioned that his family has many connections to the Birmingham area.
“Samford is a Christian institution that Julie and I continue to greatly admire, and after much prayer and discernment, we feel assured that God is calling us there to serve once again,” Taylor said in the email.
For many, the news of Taylor’s resignation came as a surprise. However, Associated Students of Whitworth University President Parker Daniels had heard that Samford’s presedential role had an opening.
“I can’t say [it came] out of nowhere. However, I was surprised about the announcement today. I’m still very happy for him! And I think the timing worked perfectly. President Taylor came in with his initial ten-year plan, Whitworth 2021…With this plan coming to a close, Beck’s successor will be in the perfect position to implant his/her/their plan,” Daniels said.
Provost and Executive Vice President Gregor Thuswaldner stated that Taylor is leaving Whitworth in “fantastic shape.”
“We’re doing great financially and academically. I totally see it that the all the stars aligned for him to make that move,” Thuswaldner said.
On December 12, 2019, Whitworth announced in a press release that the Board of Trustees has extended Taylor’s contract until 2025. Taylor joined Whitworth in July 2010 as the school’s 18th president.
According to Thuswaldner, Taylor’s stay at Whitworth is unusually long.
“[Taylor’s] been here now 11 years and in higher education, that’s an eternity,” Thuswaldner said.
The Whitworth community can expect further communications about Taylor’s resignation and the search for a new president from the Board of Trustees Chair, Brian Kirkpatrick.
According to Thuswaldner, one of the more immediate tasks of the Board of Trustees is to decide on interim leadership to bridge the gap between Taylor’s absence and the new presidents start date.
Daniels expressed sadness at hearing about Taylor’s upcoming departure.
“I cannot say enough how much I appreciate everything this man has done for the Whitworth community. He’s been a great president, mentor, and friend,” Daniels said.
To learn more about this announcement, read Whitworth’s press release https://news.whitworth.edu/2021/03/whitworth-university-president-beck.html.