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The Student News Site of Whitworth University

The Whitworthian

The Student News Site of Whitworth University

The Whitworthian

The Student News Site of Whitworth University

The Whitworthian

Cure for Summertime Drab

May 13, 2013

Spokane summer events to keep you entertained For students remaining in Spokane for the summer, the semester’s rapidly approaching end can mean not seeing friends until September. In order to guard...

Music has power to establish a connection and allow for escape

May 11, 2013

There is a tremendous amount of power in music. Influence and inspiration lie in all aspects and areas of music from reading the lyrics, going to concerts, hearing rhythms, finding spiritual and deeper...

Clearing the air about cigarettes, smoking at Whitworth

May 11, 2013

After two decades of research, the link between smoking tobacco and various forms of lung, heart and mouth cancer are more than proven. Still, many students on campus choose to smoke, whether...

Whitworth alumni come back, teach for red and black

May 11, 2013

The phrase “Once a Pirate, always a Pirate” rings true for select Whitworth  faculty and staff members. Several professors received an education within the same classrooms students use today. Some...

Quantifiable factors fail to communicate quality

May 10, 2013

I have recently seen the posts of high school seniors rolling in on Facebook wondering, contemplating, fretting and panicking about the notorious college decision. They wonder if they should attend...

Senior class endowment honors memory of student

May 10, 2013

The basis for this year’s graduating class gift will be an endowment in remembrance of Taylor Fenters, who passed away during his sophomore year at Whitworth. The endowment will help fund Spring...

Tattoos: Are they still taboo?

May 10, 2013

Sophomore Kari Johnson got her tattoo of the word “shalom” in cursive because of a class about the subject she took last year at Whitworth’s Costa Rica campus. “I had been thinking for...

Student privacy compromised by directory

May 10, 2013

Due to a flaw in the Whitworth directory, for an unknown period of time students were able to log in to the faculty-level directory. The information systems department solved the glitch Friday, May...

Privilege can become a catalyst for change

May 9, 2013

This week, the film “Girl Rising” aired on Whitworth’s campus. The film documented the lives of girls from different countries as they struggle to obtain an adequate education and be recognized...

Students responsible for holding Whitworthian historically accountable

May 9, 2013

Chrissy RoachEditor-in-chief After spending several hours sitting on an uncomfortable library stool and sifting through hundreds of Whitworthian archives, it hit me. The Whitworthian lasts forever. Now...

Browsing Bookstores

May 9, 2013

Pick up books at northside independent shops When it comes to Spokane, books and Auntie’s Bookstore have come to be more or less synonymous. With the store’s multiple locations and local infamy,...

ASWU Update May 1

May 9, 2013

Director of campaign planning Tad Wisenor updated ASWU on a presentation he gave on the Robinson Science Building and Whitworth’s  focus on “place making.”Greg Orwig, vice president for admissions...

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