“Us” Review

The Horror genre has benefitted from something akin to a Renaissance in recent years; after James Wan’s seminal Conjuring films, more directors have challenged themselves to explore how this category of film can be reserved for more than just cheap jump scares.

Senior art exhibition preview

The senior art students are counting down the weeks until the annual senior art exhibition. The exhibit is composed of around 12-15 works from the senior art students and planned out by the students themselves.

Pinecone Prescriptions: Ask Izzy #6

Query: “Lately I have been failing at adulting and I need some fail stories to make my life. Also, any ideas on how to give yourself grace when you mess up?”

“Roma” review

Roma has proven to be a welcome addition to the extensive catalogue of Netflix, albeit for reasons that aren’t immediately obvious.

Diversity Monologues explore how students find freedom

The Cowles Auditorium nearly reached capacity during the Diversity Monologues showcase on Mar 12. This event, the fourth annual one of its kind at Whitworth, prompted students to think about how they come to know freedom through their life.

The spark from Austin Channing Brown

International students have formed reactionary groups to Austin Channing Brown’s talk on Feb. 5. Brown spoke on the topics of race, faith, and reconciliation in the context of private Christian universities, which are predominately white institutions.

Open mic about nature brings students together

Whitworth students gathered in the Mind and Hearth, occupying all of the available chairs and floor space to listen to their peers as they shared poems of the unrealized beauty within the natural world.