Chat GPT: Innovative AI or a threat to academic integrity? 

 By Britney Botez l Staff Writer 

Whitworth student Casey Moddrell uses ChatGPT, Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, in Spokane, Wash. | Caleb Flegel/The Whitworthian

Chat GPT is a new AI platform prototype that uses a text-to-image generator called DALL-E to create a specific medium based on an individual’s input parameters. The way the algorithm works is by taking a simple prompt, such as “write an essay on Shakespeare” and using data stored in the algorithm, to generate a thorough response. The algorithm will continue to generate a response to the prompt until the user selects the “stop generating” option above the chat box. 

Users can also choose to type any statement, as long as it does not violate the platforms’ community guidelines which prohibit offensive or inappropriate content. Prompts can be as complicated as “explain quantum physics” or as simple as “how to tie shoes.” These prompts will generate a step-by-step guide explaining the process.  

As useful and efficient Chat GPT may appear, there are several ethical concerns with the platform. With so much data readily available to users, the platform essentially does research for you, which can be detrimental to academic honesty, especially at the university level. 

Schools across the nation are already placing restrictions on Chat GPT use for students, and many schools have or are considering completely banning students from using the platform. Kevin Grieves, professor of communications, said that he was concerned that Chat GPT could affect academic honesty at Whitworth. “I looked back over assignments that I had my courses do and you know, I tried to have assignments that are not just regurgitating information, but where students analyze information and then apply it to their own circumstances, for example. So those are harder to replicate with AI.” 

Students at Whitworth may already be using this technology as an easy way to turn in assignments. Paul Idiaghe, a senior at Whitworth said, “That’s how I first heard about it, when someone told me ‘Hey look, I just used it to write a reflection paper.”  

First-year student, Greta Berner also raised concerns about the use of Chat GPT at Whitworth. “I think it’s very strange that it can actually write a reasonable-looking essay. I feel like it could easily be used to do things that we don’t want it to be used for.”  

Pete Tucker, professor of computer science, said the platform can be used for technology-based assignments. “It can even write programming codes. So, I was amazed with how well it was able to put together something,” Tucker said.  

While Chat GPT provides an avenue to students for assignments, resume-writing and even coding, some questions still remain about the potential shortcomings of such a program, while students and faculty deal with the ramifications that such a program has regarding academic honesty.  

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