Ramadan revealed 

What kind of support is provided to Muslim students during the month of Ramadan? By Candice Stilwell | Staff Writer  This calendar year, Muslims around…

The spark from Austin Channing Brown

International students have formed reactionary groups to Austin Channing Brown’s talk on Feb. 5. Brown spoke on the topics of race, faith, and reconciliation in the context of private Christian universities, which are predominately white institutions.

Midterm elections offer hope

People around the country — and especially young people — raised their collective voices to show those who would ignore us that we will not be silenced, that we will fight for our rights and the rights of those who have had their voices taken, and that hatred and fear will not win in America.


“…I feel like for as much as we talk about diversity, diversity should also be included in ministry. So it should be something frequent that people can expect and want,” Jackson said.

Whitworth wins national award for diversity

“It is challenging, we are not naive in any way. We live unfortunately in a very divided and divisive world, not just nation, but world. We know that our goal as Christians, and knowing the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion works, is that we need to prepare each other better and our students better to make a difference in this world.”