Student Door Decorations

By Hannah Loesch | Caleb Flegel | Munkhkhuleg Tserenpurev Passing through the dorm hallways, reading new quotes or seeing new art day to day puts…

Laundry payment through PayRange app

“I think it’s a good idea because it’s really convenient for people who don’t have a bank around here and don’t [want to] have to pay to get cash out at the HUB.” -Ashley Townzen, Sophomore

A Closer Look: Student ASWU fees

by Shelby Harding The month of April at Whitworth is one that is full of preparations for the next school year — budget meetings, scholarship…

Student Life caters to Whitworth ideal

Whitworth prides itself on the close-knit community that has been established through Student Life. The idea of community here is a strong selling point for…