I think we can all agree that Spokane’s weather has been bipolar lately. We’ve been getting small moments of sun and it has been sunny one day, followed by an inch of snow the next. When we do get sun, it takes me a little while to realize that the bright ball in the sky is in fact the sun.
Because of the nature of the weather lately, I’ve noticed people on campus taking advantage of the little flashes of sun that we’ve been lucky enough to receive. I’ve seen people studying, longboarding, frolfing and even tossing a baseball or football around outside; each trying to soak up a couple minutes of vitamin D before Spokane freezes and we wake up to the gross mess of drippy wet snow alongside the patches of dirty old snow that have been here since Jan Term.
I love walking around campus during the sunny times. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I also loved walking around campus in the snow. When it first blanketed campus, with the light posts on the hello walk lit, it legitimately felt like Narnia, which, in all honesty, was a major reason that I decided to attend Whitworth. Now that it feels as if winter is dying down, I think I can say that we’ve had a pretty lucky year when it comes to the weather. The East Coast had to deal with the super storm Sandy while we had Fall Break and now, according to ABC news, they are expecting a severe winter storm as well. I didn’t really enjoyed the walk from the hub to my dorm in 6 inches of snow, but that definitely beats the tornadoes, ice and 9 inches of snow that some areas on the other side of the country are expected to receive.
I was glad that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Groundhog’s day. My friend, who is a member of the Groundhog’s day club, informed me that his shadow appearance means that spring should be early this year. I cannot wait for the warmer weather to get here. Nothing would please me more than to remove my winter coats and boots for some shorts and summer dresses. Hopefully we’ve seen the last of “Narnia” Whitworth and can now spend some time enjoying the “sun-soaked” Whitworth that we’ve been lucky enough to catch a few glimpses of over the last couple of weeks.
Contact Whitney Carter at [email protected]