Mind and Hearth vs The Pines

Britney Botez The Pines Cafe and Mind and Hearth are popular spots on the Whitworth University campus for students to study, socialize and pick up…

Back into the Swing of Things 

By Jenna Bunescu | Staff Writer Whitworth University’s Swing and Ballroom Dance Club organizes regular events that bring people together to learn and practice distinctive…

Scoop of popularity: Ice Cream Club

Reeshika Sharma | Staff Writer Whitworth’s Ice Cream Club, founded in Spring 2023, has grown to establish a prevalent presence on campus. The club is…

Timothy Ely brings his art to Whitworth

By William Henke On Thursday, September 28, world-renowned book artist Timothy Ely visited Whitworth University. Timothy Ely has studied under some of the best bookbinders…